Monday, April 22, 2013


1)   What is your business?
Custom Lax
2)   Describe your business in one sentence
We make and sell customized lacrosse apparel
3)   Who is your target audience?
Lacrosse players (men and womens), Coaches, teams
4)   Who are your competitors?
Lacrosse Unlimited, Lax hut, Olympic Den
5)   What makes them better/worse than your product/service?
All of the following are in store shopping where as CustomLax is online.  None of these other companies specialize in customized apparel.
6)   Do you currently have an identity? 
7)   (If your answer to #6 is no, skip this question)  What do you like about it and what don’t you like about it?
Why is this important?  Even if you plan to change the logo entirely, it’s good to keep an inventory about what specifically worked and didn’t work about your previous design in order to inform the new one.
These following questions might seem silly, but their purpose is to help generate ideas.
1)   How do you want your image to be seen in two years?
We want this company to be a top competitor in lacrosse equipment and apparel and the most successful online lacrosse store
2)   If your company was an animal, what animal would it be and why?
A kangaroo because our company is looking for a jumpstart and kangaroos have a pocket like our lacrosse sticks.  Also our company will be international and Australia has a market for lacrosse equipment and kangaroos are a universally friendly animal
3)   If your company/brand was a person, who would it be and why?
The Bratton twins Shamel and Jamel and Myles Jones because they are lacrosse figure heads from my hometown as well a being black they can attract black athletes
4)   If your company/brand was an object, what would it be?
A Customized lacrosse stick with bold/bright attractive color choices
5)   If your customer was a cartoon character, who would it be?
Charlie Brown dropping his baseball glove for a lacrosse stick for the kids who were hopeless baseball players like Charlie brown thinking about switching sports

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Otherside: Photoshop Collage

With this project we used and incorporated all of the skills we learned in photoshop into a lyrical based collage.  I used the stamp brush as well as different free transform options for sizing and opacity to allow objects to show through the layers.  I also used the lasso, polygonal, and magnetic lasso tool to cut images I inserted along with the content awareness tool to blend them smoothly into the background. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Arctic Surfing Brush

With this assignment we practiced using stamps and insertions in photoshop.  I chose arctic surfing because I thought it was comical.  I removed the surfer from the board and used the background mesh tool to fill the background as it would be if the surfer were never there.  I then inserted the penguin, polar bear, and whale after cropping them using various lasso tools.  I also created a stamp of a snowflake and brushed that into the image.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Bugatti Illustrator

In this project I practiced with adobe illustrator in attempt to replicate the image below of a Bugatti.  With the use of the mesh tools I tried to blend the colors as best as I could to replicate the original image.  I also used transparency to create the appearance of a windshield on a black to gray scale.  Also using the type tool I replicated the plate logo on the grill.  Although it was difficult I am pleased with the similarity I was able to create.

Jay-Z and Me

With this project we practiced object insertion into photoshop.  I found an old picture of me that fit well into a gap in a picture with rapper, Jay-Z.  I used the lasso tools to cut myself out of the original image and replace myself next to Jay-Z.  I also replaced the cup I was holding with a microphone to further display me and Jay-Z performing side by side.